
Easy Intermediate - waltz
Katrin Gäbler (DE) - April 2014
Heart - Reba McEntire

Intro : 12 Counts

[1-6] Twinkle Left, Twinkle Right
1-3Diagonal step fwd on LF, step fwd on RF, LF stepping ¼ left fwd (10.30)
4-6Step fwd on right, step fwd on left, step right ¼ right fwd (1.30)

[7-12] Twinkle ¼ Left, Cross Rock, Recover, Side
1-3Step left fwd, step right ¼ left back, step left to left (9.00)
4-6Cross right over left, weight back on left, step right to right (9.00)
****Restart here in wall 3****

[13-18] Cross Rock, Recover, ¼ Left, Full Turn Left, Step
1-3Cross left over right, weight back on right, step left ¼ left fwd (6.00)
4-6½ left stepping right back, ½turn left stepping left fwd, step right fwd

[19-24] Rock, Hold 2 Counts, Recover, Back Rock, Recover
1-3Rock left fwd, rise body up over 2 counts hold
4-6Recover on right, rock back on left, recover weight on right

[25-30] Box Step Left, Box Step Right
1-3Step fwd on left, step right to right, step back on left
4-6Step back on right, step left to left, step fwd on right

[31-36] Step, Point, Hold, Monterey ¾ Right, side Rock, Recover
1-3Step left fwd, point right to right, hold
4-6¾ turn right on left & close right next to left, rock left to left, recover on right (3.00)

[37-42] Twinkle ½ Turn Left, Twinkle ½ Turn Right
1-3Cross left over right, step right ¼ left back, step left ¼ left to left
4-6Cross right over left, step left ¼ right back, step right ¼ right to right

[43-48] Diagonal Step Fwd, Hitch, Kick, Basic Waltz Back
1-3Step left diagonal right fwd, hitch right knee, kick right fwd
4-6Step right diagonal back, step left next to right, step right fwd (4.30)

Restart in wall 3 after count 12 (3.00)

Contact: www.wildcats-germany.jouwweb.nl - katring66@hotmail.com