Only a Woman!

High Intermediate NC
Niels Poulsen (DK) - April 2014
Only a Woman - Enrique Iglesias : (iTunes)

Intro: 16 count intro (14 secs. into track). Start with weight on L foot
Easy Tag: See Tag description at bottom of page

Sequence: Intro, 32, Tag, 32, 32, Tag, 32, 32, 32, Tag.

Ending: After your last tag just turn ¼ L stepping R to R side…

Note: The main dance is a 2 wall dance facing 12:00 and 6:00 every time you do it. The Tag is also a 2 wall dance but you always face the side walls when doing it.

[1 – 9] R basic, ¼ R, run R L ½ R into rock fwd R, run back L R ½ L with R sweep, weave
1Step R a big step to R side (1) 12:00
2&3Step L behind R (2), cross R over L (&), turn ¼ R stepping back on L (3) 3:00
4&5Turn ½ R stepping fwd on R (4), step fwd on L (&), rock fwd on R (5) 9:00
6&7Recover on L (6), run backwards on R (&), turn ½ L stepping L fwd and sweeping R fwd 3:00
8&1Cross R over L (8), step L to L side (&), cross R behind L sweeping L to L side (1) 3:00

[10 – 17] Behind turn step fwd, step ¼ cross, reverser rolling vine into L basic, ¼ R with sweep
2&3Cross L behind R (2), turn ¼ R stepping fwd on R (&), step fwd on L (3) 6:00
4&5Step fwd on R (4), turn ¼ L stepping onto L (&), cross R over L (5) 3:00
6&7Turn ¼ R stepping L back (6), turn ½ R stepping R fwd (&), turn ¼ R stepping L to L (7) 3:00
8&1Step R behind L (8), cross L over R (&), turn ¼ R stepping R fwd and sweeping L fwd (1) 6:00

[18 – 25] Weave, behind turn, 3 walks fwd R L R, 1 ½ L with sweep
2&3Cross L over R (2), step R to R side (&), cross L behind R sweeping R to R side (3) 6:00
4&Cross R behind L (4), turn ¼ L stepping L fwd (&) 3:00
5 – 7Walk R diagonally fwd L (5), walk L diagonally fwd R (6), walk R straight fwd (7) 3:00
8&1Turn ½ L onto L (8), turn ½ L stepping R back (&), turn ½ L onto L and sweeping R fwd (1) 9:00

[26 – 32] R jazz box into R back rock, ½ L, rock fwd R, full turn R (+ ¼ R)
2&3Cross R over L (2), step back on L (&), rock back on R (3) 9:00
4&5Recover fwd to L (4), step fwd on R (&), turn ½ L onto L foot (5) 3:00
6 – 7Rock fwd on R (6), recover back on L (7) 3:00
8&(1) Turn ½ R stepping fwd on R (8), turn ½ R stepping back on L (&) ...
To begin again turn ¼ R into your R basic night club step on count 1 and now facing the back wall (6:00) ...

Tag – (16 counts consisting of 2 X 8 which are identical. The tag happens three times, facing 9:00, 9:00 and 3:00).
To make the Tag happen facing the side wall turn 1½ R on counts 8&1 of the main dance walking fwd R on count 1...
To start the main dance again add ¼ L stepping into your R basic. I hope this makes sense!...

[1 – 8] 3 walks fwd R L R, step turn turn with sweep, R back rock, step ½ turn L
1 – 3Do your ¼ R walking R fwd (1), walk L diagonally fwd R (2), walk R diagonally fwd L (3) 9:00
4&5Step fwd L (4), turn ½ R stepping R fwd (&), turn ½ R stepping L back L sweeping R to R side (5) 9:00
6 – 7Rock back on R (6), recover fwd on L (7) 9:00
8&Step fwd on R (8), turn ½ L stepping fwd on L (&) 3:00

[9 – 16] 3 walks fwd R L R, step turn turn with sweep, R back rock, step ½ turn L (+ ¼ L)
1 – 3Walk R diagonally fwd L (1), walk L diagonally fwd R (2), walk R diagonally fwd L (3) 3:00
4&5Step fwd L (4), turn ½ R stepping R fwd (&), turn ½ R stepping L back L sweeping R to R side (5) 3:00
6 – 7Rock back on R (6), recover fwd on L (7) 3:00
8&(1) Step fwd on R (8), turn ½ L stepping fwd on L (&) ... 9.00
To begin main dance again turn ¼ L and do your basic night club step to the R facing the back wall (6:00)

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Last Update - 14th April 2014