Will You Remember

Improver / Intermediate
Christa Klaasenbos (NL) - July 2014
You Will Remember Me - Domenic Marte

Rumbabox,vine ¼
1-4R.V step to right, rumbabox
5-8L.V vine to left with ¼ turn left – hold

Mambo step, lockstep
1-4R.V mambo step forw. – hold
5-8L.v lockstep back – hold

Coaster step , 2x paddle turn
1-4R.V coaster step – hold
5-8L.V step forw. ¼ turn right – L.V forw. ¼ turn right

½ left , shuffle ¼ left
1-4L.V cross over R.V – 2x ¼ turn left – R.V cross over L.V
5-8L.V shuffle to left - ¼ left – hold

2x ½ turn left , right
1-4R.V step forw. – ½ turn left – L.V step forw. – hold
5-8L.V step forw. - ½ turn right – L.V step forw. – hold
Restart on walls 3 and 6

Vine right and left
1-4R.V to right
5-8R.V scissor step – hold

1-4L.V vine to left
5-8L.V scissor step – hold

Bachata basic right , left
1-4R.V step right – L.V closed – R.v step right – L.V touch beside R.V
5-8L.V step left – R.V closed – L.V step left – R.V touch beside L.V

Restart on wall 3 and 6 dance to count 40 and start the dance from the beginning .


Contact: cmklaasenbos@hotmail.com