Between The Buns (P)

Beginner Plus Partner
Greg Van Zilen (USA) - August 2014
Headin' West - Dan Seals

Step description by Outta Line Country Dance Instruction
Alt. music: Hot Dog by Led Zeppelin

Intro: Start dance after first 16 beats of music - Partner Dance / Mirror Footwork
Starting Position: Single hand-hold, Man’s right to Ladies left

Note: Steps listed are for Man; Lady starts with left foot and mirrors Man

Kick-ball-change (2x), step, ½ turn, step, ½ turn
1&2Kick right foot forward, step on ball of right foot, step left foot in place.
3&4Kick right foot forward, step on ball of right foot, step left foot in place.
5,6Step right foot forward; ½ turn left weighting left foot.
7,8Step right foot forward; ½ turn left weighting left foot.
Release hands on count 4.

9&10Step right foot to side, step left foot next to right, step right foot to side.
11,12Step left foot back; replace weight onto right foot.
13&14Step left foot to side, step right foot next to left, step left foot to side.
15,16Step right foot back; replace weight onto left foot.
Briefly pick up then release new inside hands on counts 13-14; rejoin original hands on count 16.
Lady will pass in front of Man both times.

Shuffle forward
17&18Step right foot forward, step left foot next to right, step right foot forward.
19&20Step left foot forward, step right foot next to left, step left foot forward.
21&22Step right foot forward, step left foot next to right, step right foot forward.
23&24Step left foot forward, step right foot next to left, step left foot forward.
#1st shuffle turning slightly away from partner; 2nd toward partner and touching forward hands.
Repeat for shuffles 3 and 4.

Stomp, stomp, hip bumps
25,26Stomp right foot forward; stomp left foot slightly apart from right.
27&28Bump hips right, center, right.
29&30Bump hips left, center, left.
31,32Bump hips right, left.

Contact: (860) 537-5849 -