CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Wishing Back

( 7 Stimmen)
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Sabine Klinkner (DE) - May 2023
Heaven By Then (feat. Vince Gill) - Brantley Gilbert & Blake Shelton
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The dance begins after 16 beats with the vocals
Sequence: AA BB, AA BB, AA BB, B* + ending

Part A (2 wall)
A1: Side, close, step, hold r + l
1-2Step right to right side - Step left beside right 3-4 Step forward on right - Hold 5-6 Step left to left side – Step right beside left 7-8 Step forward on left - Hold

A2: Rock forward, ¼ turn r, stomp up, toe-heel-toe swivels, lift behind
1-2Step forward with right - Weight back on left foot
3-4¼ turn right around and step right with right - Stomp left foot next to right (without changing weight) (3 o'clock)
5-6Twist left toe left - Twist left heel to left
7-8Twist left toe to left (weight left at end) - Right foot lift behind left leg

A3: Side, behind, ¼ turn r, hold, step, pivot ½ r, ¼ turn r, hold
1-2Step right to right side - Cross left behind right 3-4 ¼ turn to right and step forward on right - hold (6 o'clock) 5-6 Step forward on left foot – pivot ½ (r), weight at end on right (12 o'clock) 7-8 ¼ turn to right and step left to left side - hold (3 o'clock)

A4: Rock back, point, hold, ¼ turn r/behind, side, stomp up, hold
1-2Step back with right foot - Weight back on left foot 3-4 Point right toe to the right side - Hold 5-6 ¼ turn right and cross right behind left - step left to left side (6 o'clock) 7-8 Stomp right foot next to left (without changing weight) - hold

Part B (2 wall; starts the 1st time towards 12 o'clock)
B1: Step, touch, back, hook, shuffle forward, lift behind
1-2step diagonally forward right with right foot – touch left foot next to right foot
3-4step diagonally back left with left foot - Lift right foot in front of left shin and cross
5-6Step forward on right foot - Step left foot next to right foot
7-8Step forward on right foot - Left foot lift behind right leg

B2: Shuffle back, hold, rock back, stomp up, stomp forward
1-2Step back on left foot - Step right foot next to left foot
3-4Step back on left foot - Hold
5-6Step back with right foot - Weight back on left foot 7-8 Stomp right foot next to left foot (without weight change) - Stomp right foot forward

B3: Heels swivels, ½ turn l, hook, step, lock, step, scuff
1-2Rotate both heels to the right - Rotate both heels back to center
3-4Rotate both heels to the right in a ½ turn (l) (weight ends on right) - Lift left foot in front of right shin and cross (6 o'clock)
5-6Step forward on left foot - Cross right foot behind left foot
7-8Step forward on left foot – Scuff right foot forward
(end for B*: the dance ends here - towards 6 o'clock; dance the end sequence)

B4: Step, pivot ½ l, ½ turn l, hold, coaster step, stomp up
1-2step forward with right foot - ½ pivot left (weight left at end) (12 o'clock)
3-4½ turn left on ball of left foot and step back on right foot - hold (6 o'clock)
5-6step back on left foot - step right foot next to left foot
7-8step forward on left foot - Stomp right foot next to left foot (without changing weight)

Ending: Step, hold, pivot ½ l, stomp side
1-2step forward with right foot - hold
3-4½ pivot left (weight left at end) - stomp right foot slightly to the right (12 o‘clock)

Last Update - 8 June 2023 - R1
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