32 count introduction. Start dance after 16 counts once the strong beat kicks in.
Step, ½ Turn, ½ Shuffle Turn, Rock, Recover, Shuffle
1-2-3&4Step right forward, ½ turn left taking weight on left, ½ turn left shuffling right, left, right
5-6-7&8Rock left back, recover on right, step left forward, step right beside left, step left forward
Jazz Box ¼ Turn, Heel Switches, Toe & Heel with ¼ Turn
1-2-3-4Step right across left, step left back, ¼ turn right stepping right to side, step left beside right (3:00)
5&6&7&8&Touch right heel forward, step right in place, touch left heel forward, 1/8 turn left stepping left in place, touch right toe back slightly,1/8 turn left stepping right in place, touch left heel forward, step left in place (12:00)
*Restart here on walls 3 & 8 facing 6:00.
Rock, Recover, ½ Shuffle Turn, Rock, Recover, ¾ Shuffle Turn
1-2-3&4Rock right forward, recover on left, ½ turn right shuffling right, left, right (6:00)
5-6-7&8Rock left forward, recover on right, ¾ turn left shuffling left, right, left (9:00)
¼ Turn with Side Point, ½ Turn with Side Point, ¼ Turn Kick, Coaster Step
1-2-3-4¼ turn left pivoting on left (6:00) and pointing right to side while turning head to look at 9:00, ¼ turn right stepping right in place (9:00), ¼ turn right pivoting on right (12:00) and pointing left to side while turning head to look at 9:00, ¼ turn left stepping left in place (9:00)
5-6-7&8Kick right forward, step right back, step back on left, step right beside left, step left forward
*Styling for section 4: When Justin is singing the lyrics about “pointing”, extend the right arm and point to 9:00 on counts 1 and 5. Extend the left arm and point to 9:00 on count 3.
Restarts: Wall 3 and 8 – Dance 16 counts and restart facing 6:00 both times.
Tags: End of Walls 7 & 9 – Repeat the 4th section of the dance (counts 25 – 32).
Don’t let the Tags and Restarts scare you. Once you are familiar with the music, you will hear them.
Step, ½ Turn, ½ Shuffle Turn, Rock, Recover, Shuffle
1-2-3&4Step right forward, ½ turn left taking weight on left, ½ turn left shuffling right, left, right
5-6-7&8Rock left back, recover on right, step left forward, step right beside left, step left forward
Jazz Box ¼ Turn, Heel Switches, Toe & Heel with ¼ Turn
1-2-3-4Step right across left, step left back, ¼ turn right stepping right to side, step left beside right (3:00)
5&6&7&8&Touch right heel forward, step right in place, touch left heel forward, 1/8 turn left stepping left in place, touch right toe back slightly,1/8 turn left stepping right in place, touch left heel forward, step left in place (12:00)
*Restart here on walls 3 & 8 facing 6:00.
Rock, Recover, ½ Shuffle Turn, Rock, Recover, ¾ Shuffle Turn
1-2-3&4Rock right forward, recover on left, ½ turn right shuffling right, left, right (6:00)
5-6-7&8Rock left forward, recover on right, ¾ turn left shuffling left, right, left (9:00)
¼ Turn with Side Point, ½ Turn with Side Point, ¼ Turn Kick, Coaster Step
1-2-3-4¼ turn left pivoting on left (6:00) and pointing right to side while turning head to look at 9:00, ¼ turn right stepping right in place (9:00), ¼ turn right pivoting on right (12:00) and pointing left to side while turning head to look at 9:00, ¼ turn left stepping left in place (9:00)
5-6-7&8Kick right forward, step right back, step back on left, step right beside left, step left forward
*Styling for section 4: When Justin is singing the lyrics about “pointing”, extend the right arm and point to 9:00 on counts 1 and 5. Extend the left arm and point to 9:00 on count 3.
Restarts: Wall 3 and 8 – Dance 16 counts and restart facing 6:00 both times.
Tags: End of Walls 7 & 9 – Repeat the 4th section of the dance (counts 25 – 32).
Don’t let the Tags and Restarts scare you. Once you are familiar with the music, you will hear them.