T C R Shuffle

Carolann V. Jerkovic
Two of a Kind, Workin' on a Full House - Garth Brooks

Dedicated to Ted & Carolyn Reynolds 
1-2 Step forward Left, Stomp Right in place 
3-4 Step back Left, Stomp Right in place 
5-6 Step forward Left, Stomp Right in place 
7-8 Step back Left, Stomp Right in place 
9-10 Step forward Left, Stomp Right in place 
11&12 Shuffle backward Left, Right, Left 
13&14 Shuffle backward Right, Left, Right 
15&16 Shuffle backward Left, Right, Left 
17-18 Step back Right, Stomp Left in place 
19-20 Step forward Right, Stomp Left in place 
21-22 Step back Right, Stomp Left in place 
23-24 Step forward Right, Stomp Left in place 
25-26 Step back Right, Stomp Left in place 
27&28 Shuffle forward Right, Left, Right 
29&30 Shuffle forward Left, Right, Left 
31&32 Shuffle forward Right, Left, Right 
33-34 Touch Left heel forward, Hitch Left across Right 
35&36 Shuffle Left, Right, Left on slight angle to Left 
37-38 Touch Right heel forward, Hitch Right across Left 
39&40 Shuffle Right, Left, Right on slight angle to Right 
41-42 Touch Left heel forward, Hitch Left across Right 
43&44 Shuffle forward Left, Right, Left turning 1/4 Left 
45-46 Stomp Right in place, Hitch Right 
47-50 Step back Right, Left, Right, Left 
51-52 Step forward Right, Hitch Left 
53-54 Step forward Left, Hitch Right 
55-56 Stomp Right, Stomp Left in place 
57-60 Heel splits twice 