Burnin It

Treece (USA) & Shell Paap (USA) - September 2014
Burnin' It Down - Jason Aldean

Alt. music: “Neon Light”, by Blake Shelton

Start “Burnin It Down”, 32 counts into song
Start “Neon Light”, 32 or 64 counts into song

Start with weight on Left foot

Step Touches (K step)
1 - 4Step diagonally Right forward, touch Left next to R, Step diagonally Left back, touch Right next to L,
5 - 8Step diagonally Right back, touch Left next to Right, Left diagonally forward touch Right next to Left

R vine cross, side rock recover cross, hold
1 - 4Step Right on Right, Left behind Right, Right to Right, cross Left over Right
5 - 8Side Rock on Right, recover on Left, cross Right over Left, hold

Left slide, R touch, R out, in. Rock R back, L heel touch, step L, touch R
1 - 4Step Left to Left, slide Right next to Left, touch Right to right, touch Right next to Left
5 - 8Rock on Right backwards, touch Left heel forward, step forward on Left, touch Right next to Left

Rock forward R, Rec on L, Back on R, Rec on L. turn ¼ Left, R L
1 - 4Rock forward on right, Recover back on Left, rock back on Right, recover forward on Left
5 - 8Step forward on right, pivot turn ¼ to Left, Stomp (step in place) R next to Left, stomp (step in place) Left next to Right


No Tags, No Restarts

Contact: SHELL PAAP - 719-660-3424 - shell@comedancewithshell.com - www.comedancewithshell.com