On The Island

Roger Neff (USA) - April 2015
On the Island (feat. She & Him) - Brian Wilson : (Album: No Pier Pressure)

Intro: 32 Counts

[1-8] Side-Together-Side to the R, Hold, Back Rock, Rec, Step to L, R behind L
1-2-3-4Step to R, Step L beside R, Step to R, Hold
5-6-7-8Rock back on L, Recover on R, Step to L, Step R behind L

[9-16] Side-Together-Side to the L, Hold, Back Rock, Rec, Step to R, L behind R
1-2-3-4Step to L, Step R beside L, Step to L, Hold
5-6-7-8Rock back on R, Recover on L, Step to R, Step L behind R

[17-24] R Side Rock, Cross, Hold, L Side Rock, Cross, Hold
1-2-3-4Side Rock to R, Recover on L, Step R across L, Hold
5-6-7-8Side Rock to L, Recover on R, Step L across R, Hold

[25-32] Triple Step Making ¼ Turn to L, Hold, Triple Step Making ½ Turn to L, Hold
1-2-3-4Triple step R, L, R making ¼ turn to L, Hold (9:00)
5-6-7-8Triple step L, R, L making ½ turn to L, Hold (3:00)

To end the dance facing 12:00, make just a ¼ turn to L on the last 4 counts.

Contact Roger at: lingofun@sbcglobal.net