Riva (Restart the Game)

Sabine Najda - April 2015
Riva (Restart the Game) (feat. Broken Back) - Klingande

Touch, Kick, Coaster Step, Step, ¼ Turn, Cross Shuffle
1-2Touch RF next to LF, kick RF forward
3&4Step RF back, step LF to RF, step RF forward
5-6Step LF forward, turn ¼ right
7&8Cross LF over RF, step RF to LF, cross LF over RF

Point & Point & Step, ½ Turn, Full Turn, Shuffle
1&2&Touch RF right, step RF to LF, touch LF left, step LF to RF
3-4Step RF forward, turn ½ left
5-6Step RF back with ½ turn left, step LF forward with ½ turn left
7&8Step RF forward, step LF to RF, step RF forward

Step, ½ Turn, Shuffle, Kick-Ball-Cross (2x)
1-2Step LF forward, turn ½ right
3&4Step LF forward, step RF to LF, step LF forward
5&6Kick RF forward, step RF to LF, cross LF over RF
7&8Kick RF forward, step RF to LF, cross LF over RF

Toe Taps, Side-Rock-Cross, ¼ Turns, Coaster Step
1-2Cross RF behind LF and tap toes 2x
3&4Step RF right, recover, cross RF over LF
5-6Step LF back with ¼ right, step RF right with ¼ turn right
7-8Step LF back, step RF to LF, step LF forward

Tag: After wall 2
Back Rock, Step, ½ Turn
1-2Step RF back, recover
3-4Step RF forward, turn ½ left

Ending: At the end of the dance (12:00) step RF forward

Contact: sabine_najda@web.de