Future Husband

Billy Wells (UK) - May 2015
Dear Future Husband - Meghan Trainor : (iTunes)

Intro (8 Counts) - Start on word ‘Take’

Section One: Kick out, cross side behind, Kick out, behind side cross
1-2Kick Right to right diagonal, Cross Right over left
3-4Step L to side, Step right behind
5-6Kick Left to left diagonal, cross left behind right
7-8Step r to side, Step left across

Section Two: Side touch, side kick, behind side ¼ left, step forward right, hold
1-2Step R to side, touch L beside right
3-4Step L to side, Kick right to right diagonal
5-6Step right behind left, step left to side making ¼ turn
7-8Step right over left, step right forward, hold (hold for the 8th count)

Section Three: Mambo forward, step back, coaster step, Step turn step, pivot ½ pivot ½
1&2&Rock forward on L, replace weight on right, step back on left
3&4step right back, step left beside right, step right forward
5&6Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right transferring weight to right, Step left forward
7&8Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left, Step right forward pivot ½ turn left

Ending : Do Section 1 after the behind side cross, step back on right, making ¼ turn to finish

Hope you enjoy

Contact: Billy.wells@live.co.uk