Don't Make Me Suffer (EZ)

Juliet Lam (USA) - August 2015
Suffer - Charlie Puth : (EP: Some Type of Love 2015)

Intro: 24 count. Start on Vocal (Approx. 8 seconds)

Sec 1: Step Forward, Drag, Step Back, Drag
1-3Step left forward, drag right towards left over 2 counts
4-6Step right back, drag left towards right over 2 counts

Sec 2: Step Forward Point, Hold, Step Forward, 1/4 Turn Right, Point, Hold
1-3Step left forward, point right toe to the right side, hold
4-6Step right forward, make ¼ right, point left toe to left side, hold (3:00)

Sec 3: Weave Right, Side, Drag
1-3Cross left over right, Step right to right side, cross left behind right
4-6Big step to right side, drag left towards right over 2 counts (weight remains on right)

Sec 4: Back Rock, Hold, Recover. Hold
1-3Rock back on left, hold 2 counts
4-6Recover on right, hold 2 counts

Sec 5: Step Forward, Sweep, Twinkle With 1/2 Turn Right
1-3Step left forward, sweep right from back to front over 2 counts
4-6Cross right over left, make ¼ right, step left back, make ¼ turn right, step right to side (9:00)

Sec 6: Step Forward, Hold, Stomp, Hold
1-3Step left forward, hold 2 counts
4-6Stomp right next to left, hold 2 counts (weight on right)

Sec 7: Left Sailor, Right Sailor
1-3Cross left behind right, step right to right side, step left to left side
4-6Cross right behind left, step left to left side, step right to right side

Sec 8: Forward Basic, Back Drag
1-3Step left forward, step right next to left, step left next to right
4-6Big step back on right, drag left towards right over 2 counts (weight on right)

Repeat & Enjoy

Contact : Juliet Lam,

This dance can be done as a floor split to my favorite dance “Don’t Make Me Suffer” by Jose Miguel Belloque Vane, Sebastiaan Holtland, Roy Verdonk.