Running Bear Easy

Claire Denney (CAN) - October 2015
Running Bear - The Deans Brothers

Intro: 16 counts

A: Step, Kick, Step, Kick, 4 Sways
1 - 2R. step right, L. kick across R
3 - 4L. step left, R. kick across L
5 - 8Step right and sway hips: R, L, R, L

B: Rock, Recover, 1/4 Right, Brush, Rock, Recover, 1/4 Left, Brush
1 - 2R. rock forward, L. recover
3 - 4R. step 1/4 right side, L. brush forward (3:00)
5 - 6L. rock forward, R. recover
7 - 8L. step 1/4 left side, R. brush forward (12:00)

C: Jazz Box, Step, Clap, Step Clap
1 - 2R. cross step over L, L. step back
3 - 4R. step right, L. step beside R
5 - 6R. step forward, CLAP
7 - 8L. step forward, CLAP

D: Rocking Chair, 1/2 Pivot Left, Stomp, Stomp
1 - 4R. fwd rock, L. recover, R. back rock, L. recover
5 - 6R. step fwd, 1/2 pivot left (weight left)
7 - 8R. stomp fwd, L. stomp beside R.

Ending: The ending of the song occurs at 12:00 on the last 8 counts.
Replace Section D with: Rocking Chair, Out, Out,Clap, In, In, Clap
1 - 4Rocking chair
& 5 - 6R step right, L. step left, Clap
& 7 - 8R. step home, L. step beside R, Clap

Well Done, you are finished.

Try some arm/hand gestures to match the words of the song.


Last Update - 29th Oct. 2015