Let It Ride!

Nancy Thompson Verbryck (USA) - February 2016
It Feels Good - Drake White

(Slower Song for teaching – Tornado by Little Big Town)

Forward (Clap), Back (Double Clap), Back (Clap), Forward (Double Clap)
1-2Step right forward on the diagonal, step left together, clap
3-4Step left back on the diagonal, step right together, clap clap
5-6Step right back on the diagonal, step left together, clap
7-8Step left forward on the diagonal, touch right together, clap clap

Right Side Shuffle, Rock Recover, Left Side Shuffle, Rock Recover
1&2Shuffle side right, right – left - right
3-4Rock back on left, recover on right
5&6Shuffle side left, left –right - left
7-8Rock back on right, recover on left

Kick Ball Change, Step-Step, Kick Ball Change, Step-Step
1&2Kick right forward, step on ball of right, step on left
3-4Step forward, right -left
5&6Kick right forward, step on ball of right, step on left
7-8Step back, right -left

Toe Points, Right (hold), Left (hold), right(hold), ¼ turn to right
1&2Point right toe to right, hold
&3&4Slide right foot back to center, Point left toe to left, hold
&5&6Slide left foot back to center, Point right toe to right, hold
7-8At the same time, Slide right foot back to center, ¼ turn to the right. (Keep the weight on your left)

Begin Again!

Stepsheet prepared by Erin Welsh (redsie143@aol.com)

Last Update - 26th April 2016