Tricky Tricky

Beginner Hip Hop
Britt Beresik (USA) - February 2016
It's Tricky - Run-DMC

Part 1 - Back Crosses
[1 '8 count']
1-2 Step wide R, Tap L behind R
3-4 Step wide L, Tap R behind L
5-6 Step wide R, Tap L behind R
7-8 Step wide L, Tap R behind L
*optional arms: for each set- punch arms to side on first count, then cross punch arms on second count

Part 2 - Twist and Turn
[1 '8 count']
1 Step R foot out to R while twisting both heels to the R
&2&3& Twist heels quickly- L R L R L
4 Hitch L knee up
5-6 Step forward L w/ Pivot ¼turnR
7-8 Step forward L w/ Pivot ¼turnR [6:00]

Part 3 - Slow Running Man
1'8 count']
1-2 Rock L back, recover R forward
3&4 Rock L back (hitching R knee), Recover R, Rock L back (hitching R knee)
5-6 Rock R back, recover L forward
7&8 Rock R back (hitching L knee), Recover L, Rock R back (hitching L knee)

Part 4 - Kicks
[1 '8 count']
1-2 Kick L, Kick R
3-4 Kick L Kick L
5-6 Kick R, Kick L
7-8 Kick R Kick R

Repeat all parts until song ends!
