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Low Intermediate
Elke Kunze (DE) - March 2016
Photograph (Felix Jaehn Remix) - Ed Sheeran

Intro: 16 count

[1-8] Prissy walks fwd 2, R fwd shuffle, rock rec., L step back, hold
1-2Prissy step R forward, prissy step L forward – with attitude!
3&4Shuffle R forward
5-6Rock step L forward, rec. R.
7-8Step L back, hold + spread your arms

[9-16] Reverse turn ½ L, R shuffle, rock rec., step L back, hold
1-2Step R back, turn ½ left and step L forward - 6:00
3&4Shuffle R forward
5-6Rock step L forward, rec. R.
7-8Step L back, hold + spread your arms

[17-24] ¼ turn right, step together, chasse R, cross rock L, rec., chasse L
1-2¼ turn right large step R, L step together - 9:00
3&4Chassé right side
5-6Cross rock step L over R, rec. R
7&8Chassé L

[25-32] ½ Hinge turns x 4
1Hinge turn ½ left + point R to R side and open your arms outside - 3:00
2step R down and turn ½ right and closed your arms on your body
3point L to L side and open your arms outside - 9:00
4step L down and turn ½ left and closed your arms on your body
5point R to R side and open your arms outside - 3:00
6step R down and turn ½ right and closed your arms on your body
7point L to L side and open your arms outside - 9:00
8step L forward

[33-40] Press R, kick R, step back R, hold, step back L rec., triple ½ right
1-2Press R forward, low kick R
3-4Step back R, hold
5-6Rock step back L, rec. R
7&8Triple turn ½ right – L-R-L - 3:00

[41-48] ¼ right step R, hold, cross rock rec., back slide, back slide
1-2¼ turn right step R to right, hold - 6:00
3-4Cross rock step L over right, rec. R
5-6Step left diagonal back L, slide R back together (no weight) - 7:30
7-8Step right diagonal back R, slide L back together right (no weight) - 7:30
Optional arms on 5-8:
Put the palms in front from top to down, or: Both hands brush the hair from your face over your head down

[49-56] L rock back rec., triple ½ R, R rock back rec., triple ½ L
1-2 1/8 turn left rock step L back, rec. R - 6:00
3&4Triple turn ½ turn right – L-R-L - 12:00
5-6Rock step R back, rec. L
7&8Triple turn ½ turn left – R-L-R - 6:00

[57-64] Rock step back, rec., out-out, in-in, step L forward, hold
1-2Rock step back L, rec. R
3-4Step L to left slightly forward, step R to right slightly forward (out-out)
5-6Step L back, step R together L (in-in)
7-8Step forward L, hold - 6:00


Finish: Facing front wall ! Cross your arms in chest high on the word “Home”

Have fun!!
