My Wildflower

Phrased Intermediate
Brandi Hughes (CAN) - March 2016
Wildflower - Buck Twenty

Sequence: AAB AAB AAB A

Part A: 32 Counts
A1: Rock, Recover, Shuffle Step, Rock, Recover, ½ Pivot
1-2Step forward on left (1), recover weight back onto right (2)
3&4Step back left (3), step right beside left (&), step back left (4)
5-6Step back on right (5), recover weight forward on left (6)
7-8Step forward on right (7), pivot ½ turn left putting weight forward on left (8) (6:00)

A2: Touch, Kick, Sailor Step, Weave, Shuffle Step
1-2Touch right toe beside left (1), kick right foot down to the right diagonal
3&4Cross right behind left (3), step left to left side (&), step right to right side (4)
5&6Cross left behind right (5), step right to right side (&), Cross left over right (6)
7&8Step right to right side (7), Step left beside right (&), Step right to right side (8)

A3: Cross Rock, Coaster Step, ¾ Monterey Turn
1-2Cross left over right onto a slight diagonal (7:30) (1), recover weight back onto right (2)
3&4Step back left straightening to (6:00) (3), step right beside left (&), step forward left (4)
5-8Point right to right side (5), step right beside left making ¾ turn right (6), point left to left side (7), step down on left (8) (3:00)

A4: Vine Right, Touch, Jazz Box ¼ Turn
1-4Step right to right side (1), cross left behind right (2), step right to right side (3), touch left toe beside right (4)
5-8Cross left over right (5), step back on right (6), step back on left making ¼ right (6:00)(7), step right beside left (8)

Part B: 24 Counts
B1: K Step with Claps
1-4Step forward left (1), touch right toe beside left (clap) (2), step forward on a diagonal (2:30) (3), touch left toe beside right (clap)(4)
5-8Step back to center (5), touch right toe beside left (clap)(6), step right back on a diagonal (4:30) (7), touch left toe beside right foot (clap) (8)

B2: Shuffle Step, Shuffle Step, Jazz Box, Touch
1&2Step left forward onto the diagonal (10:30) (1), step right beside left (&), step forward left (2)
3&4Step forward right to the right diagonal (2:30)(3), step left beside right (&), step forward right (4)
5-8Cross left over right (5), step back on right squaring up to 12:00 (6), Step left beside right (7), touch right toe beside left foot (8)

B3: Rolling Vine Right, Touch/Clap, Rolling Vine Left, Step/Clap
1-4Step right to right side making ¼ turn right (1), step back on left making ½ turn right (2), step right to right side making ¼ turn right (3), touch left toe beside right (clap) (4)
5-8Step left to left side making ¼ turn left (5), step back on right making ½ turn left (6), step left to left side making ¼ turn left (7), step right beside left (8)

Tag: The 2nd time you do Part B…Do Part B in full but on the last 8 counts…
TOUCH right on count 8 instead of stepping down, then repeat the last 8 counts as is and then start back into the A section
