A Pink Carnation

HP Low (UK) - April 2016
A White Sport Coat - Marty Robbins

S1: Right Scissor, Hold, Left Scissor Hold
1-2Step R to R, slide L next to R
3-4Cross R over L and HOLD(weight on R)
5-6Step L to L side, slide R next to L
7-8Cross L over R and HOLD (weight on L)

S2: ¼ turn to Right, Step lock step brush, step lock step touch
1-2¼ Turn to Right, Step R Fwd Step L behind R (R-L-R) 3:00
3-4Step R Fwd brush lightly fwd with L
5-6Step L fwd, Step R behind L
7-8Step L fwd Step R touch with L (L-R-L)

S3: Vine right and vine left with touches.
1-4Step R to R side, cross L behind R, step R to R side, touch L together
5-8Step L to L side, cross R behind L, step L to L side, touch R together

S4: Rock fwd with R, recover on L triple half turn to Right, rock fwd on L recover on R, coaster step
1-2Rock fwd with R, recover to L,
3&4Triple half turn to Right R-L-R (9:00)
5-6Rock fwd with L, recover to R,
7&8Step L back, step R next to L, Step L fwd.

Contact: hplow@hotmail.com

Last Update - 21st April 2016