Old Bones

Patty Hui Hua Wu (TW) - April 2016
Old Bones - George Burns : (Album: Hollywood Legend - iTunes - 3:04)

Notes : Tag after 6th wall

Count In : 16 counts from start of track

** 1st Place of Easy-Int Choreography Competition at the 13th Australian Country Dance Festival - Tamworth

Sec. 1: R Dorothy Steps, Touch, Hold, L Dorothy Steps, Touch, Hold
1 2&Step R forward to right diagonal (1), lock L behind R(2), step R slightly forward (&)
3 -4Touch L next to R (3), hold (4) [12:00]
5 6&Step L forward to left diagonal (5), lock R behind L (6), step L slightly forward (&)
7 -8Touch R next to L (7), hold(8) [12:00]

Sec. 2: Figure 8 Vine
1-4Step R to right side (1), step L behind R(2), turn ¼ right stepping forward on R(3) [3:00] step L forward (4)
5 -8Pivot ½ turn right taking weight onto R (5) [9:00], turn ¼ right stepping L to left side (6)[12:00], step R behind L (7), turn ¼ left stepping L forward (8) [9:00]

Sec. 3: Cross, Point, Cross, Point, Cross, Back, Back , Cross
1-4Cross R over L (1), point L to left side (2), cross L over R (3), point R to right side (4)
5-8Cross R over L (5), step L back to left diagonal (6), step R back to right diagonal (7) Cross L over R (8)

Sec. 4: Step Back, ½ Left, Step Forward, ½ Pivot Left, Side touch, Side Touch
1 -2Step R back (1), turn ½ left stepping L forward (2) [3:00]
3 -4Step R forward (3), pivot ½turn left taking weight onto L (4) [9:00]
5 -8Step R to right side (5), touch L next to R (6), step L to left side (7),touch R next to left (8)

Tag : 2: Monterey ½turn after 6th wall facing 6:00
1 -4Point R to right side (1), ½ turn right stepping R next to L(2), Point L to left side (3) step L next to R (4) [12:00]
5 -8Point R to right side (5), ½ turn right stepping R next to L (6), point L to left side (7) step L next to R (8) [6:00]

Ending : Last wall is 11th wall (starts at 6:00), after first 8 counts of Sec. 1
1 -4Step R to right side (1), step L behind R (2), turn ¼ right stepping forward on R (3) step L forward (4)
5 -7Pivot ¼ turn right (5), cross L over R (6), point R to right side (7) [12:00]

Contact: keika110@hotmail.com