Rock Around the Clock Tonight

High Beginner
Annette Lapp (DK) - August 2016
Rock Around the Clock - Johnny Farago : (Album: Only Super Hits - iTunes)

Intro: 32 count

S1: Sailor Right, Hold, Sailor Left, Hold
1 – 2Cross right behind left, step left to left side
3 – 4Step right to right side, hold
5 – 6Cross left behind right, step right to right side
7 – 8Step left to left side, hold*
*Easier option : Make a mambo right and hold, and a mambo left and hold in the first 8 count.

S2: Right Shuffle Forward, Hold, Step Turn Step Right, Hold
1 – 2Step right forward, step left beside right
3 – 4Step right forward, hold
5 – 6Step left forward, ½ turn to the right
7 – 8Step left forward, hold

S3: Rumba Box
1 – 2Step right to right side, step left beside right
3 -4Step right forward, hold
5 – 6Step left to left side, step right beside left
7 – 8Step left back, hold

S4: Step Backwards x 4 with Holds
1 – 2Step right back, hold
3 – 4Step left back, hold
5 – 6Step right back, hold
7 – 8Step left back, hold*
*Option : skate back instead of step backwards

S5: Coaster, Hold, Left Shuffle Forward, Hold
1 – 2Step right back, step left beside right
3 – 4Step right forward, hold
5 – 6Step left forward, step right beside left
7 – 8Step left forward, hold

S6: ¼ Turn Left, Cross, Hold, Out, In, Step Left, Hold
1 – 2Step right forward, ¼ turn to the left stepping left to left side
3 – 4Cross right over left, hold
5 – 6Point left to left side, left beside right
7 – 8Step left to left side, hold


Last Update - 7th Nov. 2016