Might As Well Be Me

Intermediate / Advanced
Brandi Hughes (CAN) - January 2017
Might As Well Be Me - Chad Brownlee : (iTunes, amazon)

Sec. 1. Night Club Basic, Full Turn, Rock/Recover, Ball, Cross Shuffle
1-2&Step Right to Right side (1), Step Left back (2), Recover weight forward on Right (&)
3-4&Step Left to Left side making ¼ turn left (9:00) (3), Step Back on Right making ½ turn left (3:00)(4), Step left to left side making ¼ turn left (12:00)(&)
5-6&Step Right foot back (6), Recover weight forward on Left (6), Step Right beside left (&)
7&8Cross Left over right (7), Step Right to right side (&), Cross Left over right (8)

Sec. 2. Side Rock/Recover, ¼ Turn, Back Mambo, Press/Recover, Step, Press, Arm Reach, Hand Clasp
1-2&Step Right to right side (1), Recover weight over to Left (2), Step Right back making ¼ turn left (9:00) (&)
3-4&Step Left back (3), Recover weight forward on Right (4), Step Left beside right (&)
5-6&Press Right toe forward on the diagonal (5), Recover weight back on Left lifting right toe off the ground (6), Step Right beside left (&)
7-8&Press Left toe forward the diagonal (7), Reach Right arm out (8), Bring Left arm forward to right clasping hands together (&)

Sec. 3. Arms in to chest/Sweep, Weave, Side Lunge/Reach, Sways, Sailor Step
1-2&Bring clasped hands in to chest stepping down on Right and sweeping left from front to back (1), Cross Left behind right (2), Step right to right side (&)
3-4Cross Left over right (3), Step out to right to right side while reaching right arm out to right (4)
5-7Recover weight over to left bringing arm in (5), Sway right to right side (6), Sway left to left side (7)
8&1Bring Right foot back behind left (8), Step Left to left side (&), Step Right at center (1)

Sec. 4. Rock/ Recover, Turning ½ Shuffle, Point, Ball, Cross, Ball, Point, Ball
2-3Step Left forward (2), Recover weight back on right (3)
4&5Step Left to left side making ¼ turn left (6:00) (4), Step Right beside left (&), Step Left to left side making ¼ turn left (3:00)
6&7&Point right toe forward (6), Step Right beside left (&), Cross Left over right (7), Step Right back (&)
8&Point left toe forward (8), Step Left beside right (&)
