Southern State of Mind

Cathy Hodgson (UK) - February 2017
Southern State of Mind - Darius Rucker : (Album: Charleston SC - iTunes)

#16 count intro (12 secs)

Section 1: Basic night club right and left, side, behind, side, cross rock recover side, close
1,2 &step right to right side, rock back on left, recover weight onto right
3,4 &step left to left side, rock back on right, recover weight onto left
5,6 &step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side
7&8&cross rock left over right, recover weight onto right, step left to left side, cross step right over left

Section 2: Basic night club left and right, side, behind, side, cross rock recover side, close
1,2 &step left to left side, rock back on right, recover weight onto left
3,4 &step right to right side, rock back on left, recover weight onto right
5,6 &step left to left side, step right behind left, step left to left side
7&8&cross rock right over left, recover weight onto left, step right to right side, close left next to right

Section 3: Syncopated forward rocks, recover, back lock back, coaster step
1,2 &rock forward on right, recover weight onto left, step right next to left
3,4 &rock forward on left, recover weight onto right, step left next to right
5&6step back on right, lock step to right, step back on right
7&8step back on left, close right next to left, step forward on left

Section 4: Step forward right and left, ¼ turn right, rock out, recover, weave, heel ball cross
1,2 &step forward on right, step forward on left, ¼ turn right
3,4 &cross step left over right, rock right out to right side, recover weight onto left
5&6&cross step right over left, step left to left side, cross step right behind left, step left to left side
RESTART HERE WALL 5 (3 o’clock)
7&8tap right heel to right diagonal, place right foot back in place, cross step left over right

TAG 1: end of wall 3 (9 o’clock)
Basic night club right and left, sway hips x 4
1,2 &step right to right side, rock back on left, recover weight onto right
3,4 &step left to left side, rock back on right, recover weight onto left
5,6,7,8sway hips right, left, right, left

TAG 2: end of wall 7 (12 o’clock)
Basic night club right and left, sway hips x 2
1,2 &step right to right side, rock back on left, recover weight onto right
3,4 &step left to left side, rock back on right, recover weight onto left
5,6sway hips right, left

Last Update – 26th Oct. 2017