Play That Song

Karla Carter-Smith (CAN) - April 2017
Play That Song - Train

Two Dorothy Steps (Wizard steps), Rock Step, Coaster Step
1, 2&Step R forward, Step L behind R, Step R to R side
3, 4&Step L forward, Step R behind L, Step L to L side
5, 6Rock forward on R, Rock back on L
7&8Step back on R, Left step beside R, Step forward on R

Two Dorothy Steps (Wizard steps), Rock Step, Coaster Step
9, 10&Step L forward, Step R behind L, Step L to L side
11, 12&Step R forward, Step L behind R, Step R to R side
13, 14Rock forward on L, Rock back on R
15&16Step back on L, Left step beside L, Step forward on L
Restart here: Walls 3 and 6

360 Turn L, R shuffle forward, Rock Step, Behind & Cross
17, 18R step forward turning ½ turn L, L step back turning ½ turn L
19&20R step forward, L step beside, R step forward
21, 22Rock L to L side, Rock R to R side,
23&24L step behind R, R step to R, L cross over R

(&) Heel & Toe, ¾ Turn R Sailor Step, Rock Step, Behind & Cross
&25Step down on R & Touch L heel to L
&26Step down on L & Touch R toe to R
27&28Swing R behind turning 3/4 turn R stepping down on R, L step beside, R step to R
29, 30L rock to L, R rock to R
31&32L cross behind R, R to R side, L cross infront

Restart 1: On 3rd rotation after 16 counts, restart dance (6:00)
Restart 2: On 6th rotation after 16 counts, restart dance (9:00)

Repeat, Have fun!!

Phone 902-897-9343 - 2382 Camden Rd, Camden NS, B6L 3C4