With You I Am

Yvonne Anderson (SCO) & Ryan King (UK) - April 2017
With You I Am - Cody Johnson : (iTunes, amazon)

Notes: Start on vocal, dance finishes facing forward

[1-8] Step R forward, Full turn, Behind-Side-Cross, Scissor Step, Reverse Full Turn
1Step R forward to right diagonal [1.30]
2&3Step L forward, (&) 1/2 right, On ball of R make 3/8 right, Step L to left [12]
4&5Step R behind left, (&) Step L to left, Step R across left [12]
6&7Step L to left, (&) Step R beside left, Step R across left [12]
8&1Make ¼ left stepping L back, ½ left stepping R forward, ¼ left stepping R to side [12]
(Count 1 is the beginning of a nightclub basic ….so step wide)

[9-16] Rock, Recover, Hip Twists with Skating Motion x 3, Diamond Turn
2&Rock L behind right, (&) Recover weight on R [12]
3-5Using your hips to twist to the diagonals skate L, R, L (in place) [10.30]
6&7Step R across left, (&) 1/8 right stepping L back, 1/8 right stepping R back [1.30]
8&1Step L behind Right, (&) 1/8 right stepping R to side, Step L forward [3]
***RESTART during wall 4 (facing 3)…dance through to count 13& (now facing 4.30) then Restart ***

[17-24] Shuffle forward, ½ turn, low kick, Step back, toe touch, Step forward, Triple 1&1/4
2&3Shuffle forward stepping R, L, R [3]
4&½ turn right stepping L back, (&) Kick R forward [9]
5&Step R back, (&) Touch L toes beside right and look back over right shoulder [9]
6Step L forward
7&8½ left stepping R back, (&) ½ left stepping L forward, ¼ left stepping R to side [6]

[25-32] Rock back- Side, Behind-Side-Cross, ¼ turn, Step-Lock-Step, Step-Lock-Pop
1&2Rock L behind right, (&) Recover weight on R, Step L to left [6]
3&4Step R behind left, (&) Step L to left, Step R across left [6]
5&Rock L to left, ¼ right taking weight on R [9]
6&7Step L forward to left diagonal, (&) Lock R behind left, Step L forward to left diagonal [7.30]
&8(&) Step R forward to right diagonal, Lock L behind right and pop right knee forward [10.30}

***RESTART during wall 7 dance through to count 31 (now facing 6) Restart ***