Shake It Kate

Taren Gaia (SA) - May 2017
Sister Kate - The Ditty Bops

Intro: 16 counts

Note: This song was written for a fellow dancer (Bonnie Shen) for her 60th birthday – Gatsby Theme.
Although it has a Charleston theme, it can be done to other styles/music with a standard 4/4 timing

[1-8] Walk forward x2, Charleston step, Step 1/4 Pivot
1-22 Walks forward (R-L)
3-4Tap RF forward, Step RF back
5-6Tap LF back, Step LF forward
7-8Step RF forward, pivot 1/4 turn L transferring weight onto LF

[9-16] Cross-Strut-Side-Strut x2, Jazz box
1&2&Press R toe over LF, Lower R Heel down, Press L toe to L Side, Lower L Heel down
3&4&Press R toe over LF, Lower R Heel down, Press L toe to L Side, Lower L Heel down
5-6Cross RF over LF, step LF back
7-8RF to R Side, Step LF to RF keeping weight on LF

[17-24] Walks Forward x3, Kick, Walks back x3, Touch
1-43 walks forward (R-L-R), Kick LF forward
5-83 walks back (L-R-L), Touch RF to LF

[25-32] Side Point x2, Twists
1-2Tap RF to R side, Step RF to LF
3-4Tap LF to L side, Step LF to RF
5&6With knees slightly bent, Twist Heels (R-L-R)
7&8With knees slightly bent, Twist Heels (L-R-L)

TAG: Wall 1, 3, 6 – after the chorus
Repeat the last 4 counts of the dance - Twists


Please feel free to use alternate music but do not alter the step sheet without notifying the choreographer first.