Aw Naw

High Beginner
Felix Casado (USA) - August 2017
Aw Naw - Chris Young

Starts 16 Counts in after the music starts - (No Tags Or Restarts)

Sailor Right, Sailor Left, Sailor Right, Sailor Left
1&2Step Right behind left, Step left, Step Right to right side. (12:00)
3&4Step Left behind right, Step Right, Step Left to left side. (12:00)
5&6Step Right behind left, Step left, Step Right to right side. (12:00)
7&8Step Left behind right, Step Right, Step Left to left side. (12:00)

Kick Right, Kick Left, Stomp Right, Clap, Shoulders Front Twice, Shoulders Back Twice,
1&2&Kick Right, Step together, Kick Left, Step together. (12:00)
3Stomp Right forward. (12:00)
4Clap (12:00)
5-6Lean Shoulder forward twice. (12:00)
7-8Lean Shoulder back twice. (12:00)

Hip Bumps, Forward, Back, Forward, Back, Shuffle Forward Right, Step Forward Left 1/2 Turn Right,
1-2Rock hips forward, Rock hips back. (12:00)
3-4Rock hips forward, Rock hips back, keeping weight on the Left (12:00)
5&6Shuffle Forward Right, Left, Right,
7-8Forward Step Left 1/2 Turn Right,

Shuffle Forward Left, Step Right Make 3/4 Turn Left, Grapevine Right Present Left Heel,
1&2Shuffle Forward Left, Right, Left,
3&4Right Step forward, Make a ¾ turn to the Left weight on the Left. (9:00)
5-8Step Right to right side, Step Left behind right, Step Right to right side, Present Left heel, keeping weight on the Right. (9:00)

Grapevine Left with a Touch
1-4Step Left to left side, Step Right behind left, Step Left to left side, Touch Right, keeping weight on the Left. (9:00)

Repeat - Happy Dancing.

Last Update – 18th Aug 2017