2 Good At Goodbyes

Gary Spurway (UK) - September 2017
Too Good at Goodbyes - Sam Smith

Start dance after he sings “ but I have seen this all before” first toe will be “I’m never “

Section 1: Toe Heel Stomp X 4
1&2right toe forward ,right heel forward, right foot stomp
3&4left toe forward ,left heel forward ,left foot stomp
5&6right toe forward ,right heel forward, right foot stomp
7&8left toe forward ,left heel forward ,left foot stomp

Section 2: Shuffle Right, Shuffle Left ¼ Turn Toe Strut ,Toe Strut
1&2step right to side ,left next to right ,step right to side
3&4weight on left ,step right to left ,step left to side
5-6 as you do ¼ turn to right step right toe forward, right heel down
7-8left toe forward ,left heel down

Sections 3: & 4: Repeat Sections 1: & 2:

Section 5: Rock Forward ,Recover , Coaster Step X 2
1-2rock forward on right ,recover weight on left
3&4step right back ,left beside , right foot forward
5-6rock forward on left , recover weight on right
7&8step left back ,right beside ,left foot forward

Section 6: Cross Side Sailor Step X2
1-2cross right in front of left ,step left to side
3&4step right behind ,left to side ,right to side
5-6cross left in front of right ,step right to side
7&8step left behind ,right to side ,left to side

Section 7: Cross Side Behind ¼ Turn Rocking Chair
1-2cross right in front of left ,left to side ,
3-4cross right behind left , ¼ turn left as step left forward
5-8rock forward on right ,recover ,rock back on right ,recover

Section 8: Grapevine Right Slide Left ,Kick Ball Change
1-4step right to side , left behind , right to side left tap beside
5-6big step left and slide right to it
7&8kick right forward rock back on right recover left

*****on wall 3 miss sections 3&4 *******