Ain't No Cure

Carol Cotherman (USA) - September 2017
Countryholic - Sons of the Palomino

** Choreographed especially for my dancing friends at the BTS Kalyumet Dance Day! **

#16 count intro

Step Back, Hitch, Step, Scuff, Triple Step, Step, ¼ Turn
1-2-3-4Step right back, hitch left, step left down, scuff right
5&6-7-8Step right forward, step left beside right, step right forward, step left forward, ¼ turn right taking weight to right (3:00)

Weave, Crossing Triple, Sway, Sway
1-2-3-4Step left over right, step right to side, step left behind right, step right to side
5&6-7-8Step left over right, step right to side, step left over right, sway right stepping right to side, sway left with weight to left

Touch, Step, Touch, Step, Boogie Walks (4)
1-2-3-4Touch right ball forward with body angled to right diagonal, turn body back to center and step down on right, touch left ball forward with body angled to left diagonal, turn body back to center and step down on left
5-6-7-8Boogie walk forward right, left, right, left

Step, ½ Turn, Triple, Rock, Recover, Back, Touch
1-2-3&4Step right forward, ½ turn left taking weight to left, step right forward, step left beside right, step right forward (9:00)
5-6-7-8Rock left forward, recover to right, step left back, touch right beside left


Wall 5: Restart after 16 counts facing 3:00.
Wall 11: Restart after 20 counts facing 3:00.