Food & Gas

Wendy Veenstra (NL) - October 2017
Food & Gas - Robby Longo

Intro: 16 counts (start just before the singing starts)

[1-8]: Chasse right, ¼ turn chasse left, ¼ turn chasse right, ½ turn chasse left
1&2Step R to side, Close L next to R, Step R to side
3&4Step L ¼ turn to left, close R next to L, step R to side (face 09:00)
5&6Step R ¼ turn to right, close L next to R, step L to side (face 06:00)
7&8Step L ½ turn to left, close R next to L, step R to side (face 12:00)

[9-16]: Shuffle forward, shuffle forward, ½ pivot turn left, kick balll change
1&2Step R fwd, close L next to R, step R fwd
3&4Step L fwd, close R next to L, step L fwd
5-6Step R fwd, ½ turn Left end weight on L (face 06:00)
7&8Kick R diagonal to right, step R, behind L, step L fwd

[17-24]: Right side rock and recover, right behind, left to left side, right cross over, left side rock & recover;
1-2Rock step R to right side, recover weight on L
3&4Cross step R behind L, step L to left side, cross step R over L
5-6Rock step L to left side, recover weight on R
7&8Step L behind R, step R slightly to the right, step L fwd

[25-32]: Step Turn, ½ triple turn left, ½ turn left, ½ turn left, sailerturn and cross
1-2Step R fwd, ½ turn left weight on L
3&4Step R ¼ turn to left, close L next to R, step R back
5-6½ turn left step L fwd
7&8½ turn left (step R bwd, cross L behind R, ¼ turn left, cross R over L (face 15:00)

Start again and enjoy :)