Mi Gente EZ

Yule - November 2017
Mi Gente - J Balvin & Willy William

(Love Jose Miguel Belloque Vane’s choreography however I have to compensate friends who request line dances that minimizes on too many turns due to personal reasons. )

No Tag/Restart

Section 1: Shuffle forward with rock forward knee dance styling
1 - 4Step L forward, shuffle, step R to right side then rock it forward
5 - 8Step R forward, shuffle, step L to left side then rock it forward

Section 2: Shuffle back
1 – 4Step L back and shuffle, then R
5 – 8Repeat 1 – 4

Section 3: Walk forward, Rocking chair
1 - 8Step L forward , R forward, rock forward L, R recover, step back L, R recover, step L forward turn/ pivot ¼ to next wall, R recover

Section 4: Sides shuffle
1 - 4L cross over R shuffle (L ,R recover, L), step R right side, step back L to centre but slightly apart from R
5 - 8R cross over L shuffle (R, L recover, R), step L left side, step back R to centre but slightly apart from L

*New to writing stepsheets, I apologize if steps descriptions not 100% accurate! Please check out my demo video. Enjoy

Contact: Yule – Email: yumille62@hotmail.com