Cowboy Hat (P)

Judi Bisher-Schuler (USA) - February 2018
Cowboy Hat - Jon Pardi

** Dance was choreographed to compliment Steve Pistoia’s “Cowboy Hat” line dance. **

#32 Count Partner Dance - Side by Side (caped position)

Step Right, Pivot 1/2 Left, Hook left, Shuffle Left, Rock forward Right, ½ turn right.
1-2Step forward on right foot pivoting ½ to left keeping weight on right and hook left foot over right shin.
Drop left hands while turning.
3&4Shuffle stepping forward left, right, left.
5-6Rock forward on right, recover on left
7&8Shuffle half turn to right stepping forward to line of dance right, left, right.
Drop right hands while turning and pick up again after shuffle.

Shuffle forward Left and Right (or locking shuffles), Skate left and right, Shuffle left.
1&2Shuffle forward stepping left, right, left.
3&4Shuffle forward stepping right, left, right.
5-6Skate to left while stepping forward diagonally to left on left foot, then skate to right while stepping forward diagonally to the right.
7&8Shuffle forward stepping forward left, right, left.

Cross Rock Side Shuffles
1-2Cross right over left, recover weight to left
3&4Step right to right side, together with left, step right to right side
5-6Cross left over right, recover weight to right
7&8Step left to left side, together with right, step left to left side.

Rock Forward, Shuffle Back, Rock Back, Step Hook.
1-2Rock forward on right foot, recover weight to left
3&4Step back on right foot, together and back with left foot, then back on right.
5-6Rock back on left foot, recover weight to right
7-8Step forward on the left foot and hook right foot across left shin.
