We'll Stay Young

Intermediate waltz
Gary O'Reilly (IRE), Guillaume Richard (FR) & Shane McKeever (N.IRE) - December 2017
The Rest of Our Life - Tim McGraw & Faith Hill

Music Available from iTunes
Intro: 24 count starting on lyrics

Section 1: Side/Lunge L, Full Rolling Turn Right
1 2 3Step/lunge L to L side bending L knee (1), torque upper body to L keeping R leg straight with toes pointed (2,3)
4 5 6¼ turn R stepping forward on R (4), ½ turn R stepping back on L (5), ¼ turn R stepping R to R side (6) (12.00)

Section 2: L Twinkle, R Cross, L Side, R Behind
1 2 3Cross L over R (1), step R to R side (2), step L next to R (3)
4 5 6Cross R over L (4), step L to L side (5), cross R behind L (6)

Section 3: ¼ turn L sweeping R, R Cross, L Back, R Side
1 2 3¼ turn L stepping forward on L sweeping R around from back to front (1), continue sweep of R (2,3) (9.00)
4 5 6Cross R over L (4), step back on L opening body to R diagonal (5), step back on R with body open to diagonal (10:30) (6)

Section 4: L Cross, R Back, ¼ L, Fwd R, ½ R, ½ R
1 2 3Cross L over R (1), step back on R straightening up to (9:00) (2), ¼ turn L stepping L next to R (3) (6.00)
4 5 6Step forward on R (4), ½ turn R stepping back on L (5), ½ turn R stepping forward on R (6) (6.00)

Section 5: ¼ R dragging R to meet L, R side, L Together, 1/8 R
1 2 3¼ turn right stepping long step with left to left side (1), drag right to meet left over 2 counts (2,3) (9.00)
* Restart & ***Ending
4 5 6Step right to right side (4), step left next to right (5), 1/8 turn to right diagonal stepping forward on right (6) (10.30)
*** Dance ends during wall 10 with the ¼ turn right long step to left side dragging right to meet left

Section 6: L Press fwd, Recover R, L Back, ½ R, 1/8 R Side Rock L, Recover R
1 2 3Press slightly forward on left (1) recover on right (2), step slightly back on left (3) (10.30)
4 5 6½ turn right stepping forward on right (4.30) (4), 1/8 turn right rocking left to left side (5), recover on right (6) (6.00)

Section 7: L Cross, Point R, Hold, Full Monterey R, L Side Rock, Recover R
1 2 3Cross left over right (1), point right to right side (2), HOLD (3)
4 5 6Monterey full turn over right stepping right next to left (4), rock left to left side (5), recover on right (6) (6.00)

Section 8: L Cross, R Side, L Behind, ¼ R, ¼ R, ¼ R “Curving Feather”
1 2 3Cross left over right (1), step right to right side (2), cross left behind right (3)
4 5 6¼ turn right stepping forward right (4), ¼ turn right stepping forward left (5), ¼ turn right stepping forward right (6) (3.00)

*Restart here during wall 3 facing side wall (3.00) & wall 6 facing back wall (6.00)
Dance up to count 24 and continue making the ¼ turn right on count 25 (count 1 of section 5) restarting the dance from the beginning with the Side/Lunge L

**Tag after wall 8 facing front wall (12.00)
TAG: L Side, Hold, R Together
1 2 3Step left to left side (1), Hold (2), step right next to left (3)

Dance up to count 27 finishing the dance facing (12.00)

Have Fun, Smile & Enjoy 

Contacts: -
Gary O’Reilly - oreillygaryone@gmail.com
Guillaume Richard – cowboy_gs@hotmail.fr
Shane McKeever – Smckeever07@hotmail.com