Country Curves

Jennie Lee - April 2018
I Was Jack (You Were Diane) - Jake Owen

Count in: 24 counts from start of track, start on lyrics

Vine L, Hip L-L, L Coaster Step
1,2,3,4Step left side, step right back, step left side, step right front
5-6Hip Bump Left (twice)
7&8Right coaster step (1/4 to the right)

Step touch forward L, Step touch backward R, Shuffle forward L, Shuffle forward R
1-2Step forward on left foot, touch right
3-4Step backward on right foot, touch left
5&6Step left forward, together with right foot, step forward with left
7&8Step right forward, together with left foot, step forward with right

Pivot L, Shuffle forward L, Shuffle forward R, Pivot L to face opposite wall
1-2Step on left foot pivot to opposite wall (half turn) step on right foot
3&4Step left forward, together with right foot, step forward with left
5&6Step right forward, together with left foot, step forward with right
7-8Step on left foot pivot to face new wall (3/4 turn) step on right foot

Cross-over steps L and R, Step out LR, L Hip Roll, L Heel Twist
&1&2Step left, cross -over step right in front of left, step left side, touch right heel in front
&3&4Step right, cross-over step left in front of right, step ride side, touch left heel in front
5-6Step out left to the side, step out right to the side
&7Hip roll to the left (starting from the right), put weight to the right
&8Lift heels and twist to the left (with head looking left), return center


Last Update – 2nd May 2018