Boys Boys Boys (Summertime Love)

Yeonjae Kim (KOR) - July 2018
Boys (Summertime Love) - Sabrina

【1-8】 Side L. Touch R. side R Hep Bump (R-L-R). Cross. Point. Cross. Point.
1-2Step L side. touch R together and clap hand.
3&4Step R side hip bumps R-L-R and snap fingers.
5-8Cross L over R. touch right to side. cross R over L. touch left to side.

【1-8】 Charleston steps. Heel Switch Toe × 2
1-4Step L fwd touch. step L back. step R back touch. step R fwd.
5&6&L fwd heel touch. together beside R. R back toe touch. together beside L
7&8&L fwd heel touch. together beside R. R back toe touch. together beside L

【1-8】 Vine ¼ turn brush. Jazz Box
1-4Step R side. step L behind R. ¼ right turning fwd. step L brush.
5-8Cross L over R. step R back. step L side. touch R together.
(Arm action : A finger stab in the sky)

【1-8】 Rolling vine. side L. cross R. side L. cross R
1-4Turn ¼ R fwd. turn ½ R and step L back. turn ¼ R side. Touch L together.
5-8Step L side. cross Lf over R (going down). Step L side. cross L over R (going down)

Step change after 14& counts on 5th wall :
15count -L fwd heel touch.
16count -L touch beside R

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