Summer of 2002

Hotma Tiarma Purba (INA) - July 2018
2002 - Anne-Marie

Dance begins after 32 count of vocal

S1: Out, Out, In, In, Touch x2, Step, ¼ turn Step, Pivot ½ turn, ¼ turn Step, Funky Skate Back x2
1&2&Step R heel out, step L heel out, step R in, close L next to R
3&4Touch R to side, touch R next to L, ¼ turn right stepping R forward
5&6Step L forward, ½ turn right stepping R forward, ¼ turn right stepping L to side (12.00)
7-8Step R back lifting L toe up and out, step L back lifting R toe up and out

S2: ½ Paddle Turn Left, Coaster Step, Cross Samba, Cross, Touch
1&2Touch R forward, ¼ turn left step L in place, touch R forward
&3¼ turn left step L in place, step R to side (06.00)
4&5Step L back, close R next to L, step L forward
6&7Cross R over L, step L to side, step R in place
&8Cross L over R, touch R next to L
#Restart here on wall 2 and 5 facing 03.00

S3: Step, Touch x2, Step, Close, Step, Touch, ¼ turn Left Step, Touch x2, Step, Close, Step Touch
1&2Step R to side, touch L next to R, step L to side
&3&Touch R next to L, step R to side, close L next to R
4&5Step R to side, touch L next to R, ¼ turn left stepping L to side (03.00)
&6&Touch R next to L, Step R to side, touch L next to R
7&8Step L to side, close R next to L, step L to side

S4: Forward, ½ turn Sailor, Lock Shuffle, Swivel
1-2Step R forward, recover on L
3&4½ turn right stepping R behind L, step L to side, step R forward (09.00)
5&6Step L forward, lock R behind L, step L forward
7&8Step R to side, Swivel both RL to right, swivel both RL to left

Enjoy the dance and please don’t hesitate to contact me at