Bethlehem Child

Roy Verdonk (NL), Sebastiaan Holtland (NL) & José Miguel Belloque Vane (NL) - October 2018
Children, Go Where I Send Thee (feat. Home Free) - Kenny Rogers : (iTunes & other mp3 sites)

Restart in wall 5 after 16 counts,

Introduction: 16 counts, start on approx 10 sec.

Phrasing :
A, tag 1,
A, tag 1+2,
A, tag 1+2+3,
A * (restart after 16 counts),
A, tag 1+2+3+4,
A, tag 1+2+3+4+1,
A, tag 1+2+3+4+1+2,
A, tag 1+2+3+4+1+2+3+4+1
A, tag 1+2+3+4+1+2+3+4+1+2

This dance will extend every wall a little bit more. It looks more difficult than it is, give it a try and be convinced!

Part A (main dance) 28 counts
S1 [1-8] Heel R Diag, Step L Left, Back, Step L Across, Point R, Touch R, Point R, Weave L, 1/4 Turn R, Back, Side, Step L Across.
1&2&Step R diagonal on Heel (1), Step L left (&), Step R back (2), Step L across R (&).
3&4Point R out to R (3), Touch R beside L (&), Point R out to R (4).
5&6Step R behind L (5), Step L to L (&), Step R across L (6).
7&8Make ¼ turn R (3.00) step L back (7), Step R to R (&), Step L across R (8).

S2 [9-16] Side & Touches R/L, Side, Together, Fwd, Repeat Other Foot
1,4Step R to R (1), Touch L beside R (&), Step L to L (2), Touch R beside L (&). Step R to R (3), Step L beside R (&), Step R fwd (4)
5,8Step L to L (5), Touch R beside L (&), Step R to R (6), Touch L beside R. (&). Step L to L (7), Step R beside L (&), Step L fwd (8)
(NB: Restart here in WALL 5 after 16 counts, after start again (facing 12 o`clock).

S3 [17-24] Mambo Step R Fwd, Walks Back L, R with (Attitude), Coaster Step L, Forward R, ¼ Turn L With Heel Swivels
1&2Mambo R fwd (1), Recover back onto L (&), Step R slightly back (2).
3,4Walk L back (3), Walk R back (4).
5&6Step L back (5), Step R beside L (&), Step L fwd (6).
7&8Step R fwd (7), Turn ¼ L whilst swivelling heels right (&) (12.00) , swivel heels left and take weight onto L (8).

S4 [25-28] Skates in place R/L, Step R Forward , ¼ Turn L.
1,4Skate R to R (1), Skate L to L (2), Step R Forward (3), Make ¼ turn L (9.00) step forward L (4).

Tag 1
[1-4] Heel R Diag, Heel L Diag, Back, Coaster L
1&2Step R diagonal on Heel (1), Step L diagonal on heel (&), Step R back (2)
3&4Step L back (3), Step R beside L (&), Step L fwd (4)

Tag 2
[1-4] Out/Out With Hip Rolls R/L, Back R, Drag L
1,2Step R diagonal rolling hips out(1), Step L diagonal rolling hips out (2)
3,4Step R back (3), Drag L together (weight should end on L) (4)

Tag 3
[1-4] Hip bumps R/L/R, Triple With 1/4 Turn L
1&2Step R right bumping hips right (1), bump hips left (&), bump hips right
3&4Step L left (3), Step R together (&), Make 1/4 Turn left stepping L forward (4)

Tag 4
[1-4] Hip bumps R/L/R/L
1,2,3,4Rf step right bumping hips right (1), left (2), right (3), left (4)

Have fun!!