Tikkie Tikkie

Easy Intermediate
Joran van der Noll (NL) - October 2018
Tikkie Tikkie - Jordy van den Boer

Samba starts after 16 counts

Basic Samba 4x
1a2LF Fwd, RF next to LF, replace weight LF
3a4RF Bkw, LF next to RF, replace weight RF
5a6LF Fwd, RF next to LF, replace weight LF
7a8RF Bkw, LF next to RF, replace weight RF

Side Samba 4x
1a2LF step side, RF behind, LF cross
3a4RF step side, LF behind, RF cross
5a6LF step side, RF behind, LF cross
7a8RF step side, LF behind, RF cross

Diagonal Syncopated L Samba Shuffle 4x, Diagonal Syncopated R Samba Shuffle 4x
1a2aLF cross diag(10.30), RF behind, LF cross diag, RF behind
3a4LF cross diag, RF behind, LF cross diag.
5a6aRF cross diag(1.30), LF behind, LF cross diag, RF behind
7a8RF cross diag, LF behind, RF cross diag.

Diamond full turn L
1a2LF cross over(1.30), RF side, LF back
3a4RF back (11.30), LF side, RF forward
5a6LF cross over (9.00), RF side, LF back
7a8RF back (7.30), LF side , RF step fwd (6.00)

Start again.

Cantact: info@time2linedance.nl