Oh Me Oh My Oh

Rob Fowler (ES) - November 2018
Oh Me Oh My Oh - Derek Ryan

Intro: 8 counts (approx. 4 secs) – bpm: 96 (approx.)

S1: Walk R, Walk L, Mambo Step, Walk Back L, R Coaster, Ball Step
1,2Walk fwd R, walk fwd L
3&4Rock fwd R, recover back L, step back R
5Walk back L
6&7Step back R, step L next to R, step fwd R
&8Step fwd L, step fwd R (12 o’clock)
S2: Rock Step, Recover, ¾ Turn Shuffle L, Side Step R, Touch, Point, Behind Side Cross
1,2Rock fwd L, recover back R
3&4¾ turn shuffle L (3 o’clock)
5&6Step R to R side, touch L next to R, point L to L side
7&8Step L behind R, step R to R side, cross L over R
S3: ½ Rumba Box Fwd, Side Touches, ½ Rumba Box Back, R Shuffle Back
1&2Step R to R side, step L next to R, step fwd R
3&4&Step L to L side, touch R next to L and clap, step R to R side, touch L next to R and clap
5&6Step L to L side, step R next to L, step back L
7&8Step back R, step L next to R, step back R
S4: L Coaster, ½ Pivot Turn, K Step with Claps
1&2Step back L, step R next to L, step fwd L
3,4Step fwd R, pivot ½ turn L
5&6&Step R diag fwd R, touch L next to R and clap, step L diag back L, touch R next to L and clap
7&8&Step R diag back R, touch L next to R and clap, step L diag fwd L, touch R next to L and clap (9 o’clock)
S5: R Mambo ½ Turn R, ½ Turn R Shuffle Back L, R Coaster, Run Fwd LRL
1&2Rock fwd R, recover back L, make ½ turn R stepping onto R (3 o’clock)
3&4Make ½ turn R shuffling back on L,R,L (9 o’clock)
5&6Step back R, step L next to R, step fwd R
7&8Run fwd L,R,L
RESTART - HERE – WALL 5 (facing 9 o’clock)
S6: R Toe Heel Stomp, L Toe Heel Stomp, R Toe Heel Heel Hook, Step Touch Step Hook
1&2Touch R toe to L instep (heel out), touch R heel to L instep (toe out), stomp R fwd
3&4Touch L toe to R instep (heel out), touch L heel to R instep (toe out), stomp L fwd
5&6&Touch R toe to L instep (heel out), touch R heel to L instep (toe out), tap R heel fwd, hook R in front of L
7&8&Step fwd R, touch L toe behind R, step back L, hook R in front of L
Start Over
FINISH: Finish the dance with a half turn unwind over L shoulder to face 12 o’clock
Last Update – 23 Nov. 2018