
April Barker - January 2019
Shotgun - Sheryl Crow

Start with lyrics at approx. 20 seconds in

SECTION 1- Step, turn, stomps, knee wiggle, shuffle
1,2Step onto R, then rotate on the ball of the foot to turn 180degrees around counterclockwise, while simultaneously lifting L leg into the air with the knee popped up
3,4Stomp down L, then stomp with R
5,6Wiggle the knees in and out twice
7&8Shuffle sideways to the R, RLR

SECTION 2- Heel kicks, cross unwind, heel kicks
1,2Do a heel kick/scuff with L, then replace the weight on L
3,4Do a heel kick/scuff with R, then replace weight on R
5,6Cross L over R leg, then unwind legs to do a half turn and end facing the opposite wall
7,8Kick R heel into the ground twice

SECTION 3- Diagonal sliding steps, Kick/turn, Hops
1,2Do a sliding step with the R, at an angle, traveling forward and slightly R
3,4Do a sliding step with the L, at an angle, traveling forward and slightly L
5,6Kick R out in the air in front of you, then turn ¼ to the left while placing the R back on the ground. You should land facing the new wall with both feet planted
7,8Hop forward twice

SECTION 4: Grapevines
1,2,3,4Grapevine to the right
5,6,7,8Grapevine to the left

SECTION 5: Cross/taps, hip shaking
1,2Cross R over L, then tap L out to the side
3,4Cross L over R, then tap R out to the side
5,6,7,8Shake hips side to side while standing in place

No Tag Or Restarts, continue to repeat walls until the song is finished.