Feel It In My Bones

Silvia Schill (DE) - March 2019
Bones (feat. OneRepublic) - Galantis

The dance begins at two beats before vocals are used.

Heel Hitch / Slap, Heel Hitch / Slap, Coaster Step, Shuffle Forward, Step, Pivot ¼ L
1 &Touch right heel in front and lift right knee / clap with the right hand on the knee
2 &Like 1&
3 & 4Step backwards with right - LF beside RF and small step forward with right
5 & 6Step forward with left - RF beside LF and step forward with left
7-8Step forward with right - ¼ turn left on both bales, weight at the end on left (9 o'clock)
Restart: In the 6th round - direction 6 o'clock - stop here and start over again

Cross, Hold, Side, Cross, Side, Cross (with Shimmies), Side Rock, Sailor Step Turning ½ L
1-2Cross RF over LF - Hold
& 3Step left with left and cross RF over LF
& 4Like & 3 (while moving your shoulders back and forth)
5-6Step left with left - weight back on the RF
7 & 8Cross LF behind RF - ½ turn left, RF beside LF and step forward with left (3 o'clock)

Heel & Heel & Touch Forward Heel Swivel, Coaster Step, Shuffle Forward
1&Touch right heel in front, RF beside LF
2&Touch left heel in front, LF beside RF
3 & 4Touch right toe in front - Turn right heel outwards and back again
5 & 6Step backwards with right - LF beside RF and small step forward with right
7 & 8Step forward with left - RF beside LF and step forward with left

Step, Pivot ¼ L, Cross, Side, Heel & Cross, ¼ Turn L, Side, Touch
1-2Step forward with right - ¼ turn left on both bales, weight at the end on left (12 o'clock)
3 &Cross RF over LF and step left with left
4 &Touch right heel diagonally right in front, RF beside LF
5-6Cross LF over RF - ¼ turn left and step back with right (9 o'clock)
7-8Step Left with Left - Touch RF beside LF

Repeat until the end

And don't forget to smile, because dancing is fun!

There is no guarantee for errors in the translation, content, spelling, etc.!
Contact: birgit.golejewski@gmail.com www.country-linedancer.de
Last Update - 11 April 2019