Shadow In The Night

Stafke Peeters (NL) - May 2019
Shadows In the Night - Scooter Lee

Info: Intro 32 counts

Alt. music: "Playa Silentio" by Dave Sheriff

Rock Across, Triple Step (X2)
1LF rock cross over RF
2RF weight back
3LF step next RF
&RF step next LF
4LF step next RF
5RF rock cross over LF
6LF weight back
7RF step next LF
&LF step next RF
8RF step next LF

Rock Fwd Recover, shuffle Bkw, Tap across,whole, tap across,
1LF rock forward
2RF weight back
3LF step behind
&RF step next LF
4LF step behind
5RF step behind
6LF toe cross over RF
7LF heel forward
8LF toe cross over RF

Pivot ¼ R (X2), Side, Behind, ¼ L Fwd, Scuff,
1LF step forward
2L+R ¼ turn R-om [3]
3LF step forward
4L+R ¼ turn R-om [6]
5LF step aside
6RF cross rear LF
7LF ¼ turn left, step forward [3]
8RF scuff

Pivot ½ L, FWD, Touch Behind, Kick, Coaster Step
1RF step forward
2L+R ½ turn left [9]
3RF step forward
4LF cross rear RF
5LF step behind
6RF kick forward
7RF step behind
&LF step next RF
8RF step forward

Start Again