Sleepy Joe's Café

Silvia Schill (DE) - June 2019
Sleepy Joe's Café - Bruce Springsteen

The dance begins with the vocals

Side Touch R/L with Snap, Side, Close, Step Back, Touch
1-2Step RF to right, touch LF beside RF, while swinging hands to right and snap
3-4Step LF to left, touch RF beside LF, while swinging hands to left and snap
5-6Step RF to right, LF beside RF
7-8Step back with RF and touch LF beside RF

¼ Turn L, Side Touch L/R with Snap, Side, Close, Step, Brush
1-2¼ turn left around, step with LF to left, RF touch beside LF, while swinging hands to left and snap (9 o'clock)
3-4Step RF to right, touch LF beside RF, while swinging hands to right and snap
5-6Step LF to left, RF beside LF
7-8Step forward with LF, swing right bale forward

Rocking Chair R, Step Turn ½, Step, Clap
1-2Step forward with RF, lift LF slightly up, weight back on LF
3-4Step back with LF, lift RF slightly up, weight back on RF
5-6Step forward with RF, ½ turn left on both bales (3 o'clock)
7-8Step forward with RF and clap your hands

Rocking Chair L, Step Turn ¼ R, Cross, Hold
1-2Step forward with LF, lift RF slightly up, weight back on RF
3-4Step back with LF, lift RF slightly up, weight back on RF
5-6Step forward with LF, ¼ turn right around, weight on RF (6 o'clock)
7-8LF cross over RF, hold

Weave R, Side Rock, Cross Strut
1-2Step with RF to right, cross LF behind RF
3-4Step with RF to right, cross LF over RF
5-6Step with RF to right, lift LF slightly up, weight back on LF
7-8Right toe touch in front of LF and set it down

Weave L, Side Rock ¼ Turn R, Step, Brush
1-2Step with LF to left, cross RF behind LF
3-4Step with LF to left, cross RF before LF
5-6Step with LF to left, lift RF slightly up while doing a ¼ turn right around, weight on RF (9 o'clock)
7-8Step forward with LF, swing right bale forward

Jazz Box Cross ¼ Turn with Toe Strut
1-2Tap right toe in front of LF and set down
3-4Tap left toe with a ¼ turn right around backwards and set down (12 o'clock)
5-6Tap right toe to right and set down
7-8Tap left toe in front of the RF and set it down

Monterey ½ Turn R, Heel Forward R, Toe Back R, Point R, Touch
1-2Tap right toe to right, ½ turn right around and RF beside LF (6 o'clock)
3-4Tap left toe to left and LF beside RF, weight at end on LF
5-6Tap the right heel in front, tap the right toe in the back.
7-8Tap right toe to right and touch RF beside LF

And don't forget to smile, because dancing is fun!

There is no guarantee for errors in the translation, content, spelling, etc.!
