Isla Bonita

High Improver
Cathy Dacumos (USA) & Claudio Dacumos (USA) - October 2019
La Isla Bonita - Madonna : (Album: True Blue)

Intro: 32 counts, begin with weight on left foot

Section 1: Cross samba step x 2, forward mambo, coaster step (12 o’clock)
1&2Cross right foot in front of left, rock left foot to side, recover onto right foot
3&4Cross left foot in front of right foot, rock right foot to side, recover onto left foot
5&6Rock forward onto right foot, recover back onto left foot, step right foot slightly back
7&8Step back on left foot, step right foot next to left, step slightly forward onto left foot

Section 2: Forward rock, recover, shuffle ½ turn R , forward rock, recover, shuffle ½ turn L (12-6-12 o’clock)
1-2Rock forward onto right foot, recover back onto left foot
3&4Shuffle ½ turn right stepping right-left-right
5-6Rock forward on left foot, recover back onto right foot
7&8Shuffle ½ turn left stepping left-right-left
(Non-turning option: Rock forward, recover, shuffle back, rock back, recover, shuffle forward)
Restart here on wall 2 and wall 4)

Section 3: Side- together, side shuffle right, side-together, side shuffle left (12 o’clock)
1-2Step right foot to right side, step left foot next to right
3&4Step right foot to right side, step left foot next to right, step right foot to right side
5-6Step left foot to left side, step right foot next to left foot
7&8Step left foot to left side, step right foot next to left, step left foot to left side

Section 4: Cross rock, recover, side shuffle right, cross rock, recover, shuffle ¼ turn left (12 to 9 o’clock)
1-2Cross rock right foot in front of left, recover onto left
3&4Step right foot to right side, step left foot next to right, step right foot to right side
5-6Cross rock left foot in front of right, recover onto right foot
7&8Step left foot to left side, step right foot next to left, turn ¼ left stepping left foot forward

Section 5: Pivot 1/8 turn left x 2, rock forward, recover, coaster step (9 to 6 o’clock)
1-2Step forward on right foot, make 1/8 turn left changing weight onto left foot
3-4Repeat steps 1-2 (option, roll hips on these turns)
5-6Rock forward onto right foot, recover back onto left foot
7&8Step right foot back, step left foot next to right, step right foot forward

Section 6: Skate forward x 2, shuffle forward left, skate forward x 2, shuffle forward right (6 o’clock)
1-2Skate forward to left diagonal with left foot, skate forward to right diagonal with right foot
3&4Step left foot forward to left diagonal, step right foot next to left, step left foot forward
5-6Skate forward to right diagonal with right foot, skate forward to left diagonal with left foot
7&8Step right foot forward to right diagonal, step left foot next to right, step right foot forward

Section 7: Paddle turn ½ right, shuffle forward left, paddle turn ½ left, shuffle forward right (6-12-6 o’clock)
1-2Turn ¼ right touching left foot out to left side, repeat
3&4Step left foot forward, step right foot next to left, step left foot forward (restart here on wall 5)
5-6Turn ¼ left touching right foot out to right side, repeat
7&8Step right foot forward, step left foot next to right, step right foot forward

Section 8: Left rocking chair, shuffle forward left, right kick-ball-change (6 o’clock)
1-2Rock forward onto left foot, recover back onto right foot
3-4Rock back onto left foot, recover forward onto right foot
5&6Step left foot forward, step right foot next to left, step left foot forward
7&8Kick right foot, step down onto ball of right foot, change weight to left foot

Restart after 16 counts (end of section 2) on wall 2 facing 6 o’clock, and on wall 4 facing 12 o’clock
Restart after 52 counts (after 3&4 of section 7) on wall 5 facing 12 o’clock

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