What She Wants Tonight

Kathleen VanBuskirk (USA) - February 2020
What She Wants Tonight - Luke Bryan

Intro: 16 counts - One restart on wall 3 after 16 counts

[1-8]: Walk RL, Shuffle forward R, Rock L, Shuffle back L
1, 2Walk forward Right and Left
3 & 4Step forward Right, step together with Left, step forward Right
5, 6Rock Left forward, recover back on Right
7 & 8Step back Left, step together with right, step back Left

[9-16]: Rock back R, shuffle ½ turn L, rock back L, shuffle forward L
1, 2Rock Right back, recover Left
3 & 4Step Right, together with Left, step Right while turning ½ turn Left (6:00 wall)
5, 6Rock back Left, recover Right
7 & 8Step forward Left, step together with Right, step forward Left
** Restart here on wall 3

[17-24]: Rock R to R, behind side cross, rock L to L, behind side cross
1, 2Rock Right to Right, recover Left
3 & 4Step Right behind Left, step Left to Left, step Right across Left
5, 6Rock Left to Left, recover Right
7 & 8Step Left behind Right, step Right to Right, step Left across Right

[25-32]: Hips RLR, LRL, 2 hips rolls
1 & 2Step Right forward and bump hips Right Left Right
3 & 4Take weight on Left and bump hips Left Right Left
5, 6, 7, 8Roll hips 2X ending with weight on Left