Ella es de las mias

Angels Guix (ES) & Enric Nonell (ES) - January 2020
Ella Es de las Mías - Gemeliers : (Album: Stereo)

The song has a long a Capella introduction of approximately 32 second. Start the dance with the first drum beat.

[1-8] Step touch forward, step touch backward x2, step touch forward, shuffle right, ¼ turn shuffle left
1&2&Step RF forward, touch toes of LF beside RF, step LF backward, touch toes of RF beside LF
3&4&Step RF backward, touch toes of RF beside LF, step LF backward, touch toes of RF beside LF
5&6Step RF to right, step LF together, step RF to right
7&8Step LF to left, step RF together, ¼ turn left and step LF forward

[9-16] Shuffle forward diagonally right, shuffle forward diagonally left, step touch backward x4
1&2Step RF forward diagonally right, step LF together, step RF forward diagonally right
3&4Step LF forward diagonally left, step RF together, step LF forward diagonally left
5&6&Step RF backward, touch LF together, step LF backward, touch RF together
7&8&Step RF backward, touch LF together, step LF backward, touch RF together

[17-24] Rumba box, mambo backward x2
1&2Step RF to right, step LF together, step RF forward
3&4Step LF to left, step RF together, step LF backward
5&6Rock RF backward, recover on LF, step RF to right
7&8Rock LF backward, recover on RF, step LF to left

[25-32] ¼ turn jazz box x2
1,2Cross RF over LF, ¼ turn right and step LF backward
3,4Step RF to right, step LF forward
5,6Cross RF over LF, ¼ turn right and step LF backward
7,8Step RF to right, step LF forward

Start again

No Tags, No Re-Start