I Forgot to Remember to Forget

Norman Gifford (USA) - February 2020
I Forgot to Remember - Scooter Lee

(Progressive rumba box forward)
1-4Right step side; left together; right step forward; hold
5-8Left step side; right together; left step forward; hold

("T-step" turning ½ left, brush, mambo, touch, hold)
1-2Right step forward turning ¼ left; left touch by right [9:00]
3-4Left step ¼ left stepping forward; right brush forward [6:00]
5-8Right rock forward; left replace; right touch by left; hold
(Lindy-rock steps right & left)
1&2Right step side; left together; right step side
3-4Left rock back; right replace
5&6Left step side; right together; left step side
7-8Right rock back; left replace

(Toe-heel struts forward, rocking-chair)
1-4Right toe touch forward; drop heel; left toe touch forward; drop heel
5-8Right rock forward; left replace; right rock back; left replace

(Forward lock-steps with brushes)
1-4Right step forward; left lock behind; right step forward; left brush
5-8Left step forward; right lock behind; left step forward; right brush

(Jazz-cross turning ¼ right, side-touches)
1-3Right crossover; left step back; r Right step side turning ¼ right; left crossover [9:00]
5-8Right step side; left touch by right; left step side; right touch by left

(Syncopated chassè right, brush, cross-rock, replace, step side turning ¼ left, right sweep)
1-2Right step side; hold
&3-4Left together; right step side; left brush up across right
5-6Left cross-rock; right replace
7-8Left turn ¼ left stepping side; right sweep across left [6:00]

(Half vaudville, cross-side-cross, hold)
1-4Right crossover; left step back; right heel touch forward diagonal; right step back
5-8Left crossover; right step side; left crossover; hold


Contact: nlgifford@yahoo.com