
Michelle Wright (USA) - May 2020
Groovin' (That Feel Good Song) - Yam Haus

Dance starts with the lyrics
*option to make dance absolute beginner included on step sheet*
Restart on 3rd rotation facing 6 o’clock after 16 counts

Section 1: R diagonal step, together, step, together with hand shoops and clap, up and down heel twists
1,2,3,4 Step R forward diagonal as you swing fists forward and bump R hip over R, step L next R as you swing both fists back to hips, Step R forward diagonal as you swing both fists
 forward and bump R hip over R, step L next to R as you clap
5,6,7,8 Twist both heels to L as you bend knees towards R, twist heels center as you straighten knees, Twist both heels L as you bend knees towards R, twist heels center as you
 straighten knees (weight on R)

Section 2: L diagonal step, together,step, together with shoops and claps, up and down heel twists
1,2,3,4 Step L forward diagonal as you swing fists forward and push L hip over L, step R next L as you swing both fists back to hips, Step L forward diagonal as you swing both fists
 forward and push L hip over L, step R next to L as you clap
5,6,7,8 Twist both heels to R as you bend knees towards L, twist heels center as you straighten knees, Twist both heels R as you bend knees towards L, twist heels center as you
 straighten knees (weight on L)
(Restart here on 3rd rotation facing 6 o’clock)

Section 3: Pony K step ¼ turn with optional windmill style arms
1&2 Step R Forward diagonal while popping L knee up, step ball of L next to R , Step R next to L while popping L knee up
3&4 Step L back while popping R knee up, Step ball of R next To L, Step L next to R while popping R knee up
5&6 ¼ turn stepping R to R side while popping L knee up, Step ball of L next To R, step R next to L while popping L knee up
7&8 Step L to L while popping R knee up, Step ball of R next to L, Step L next to R while popping R knee up
Optional arm motions: 1&2: Dip R shoulder down L arm up, 3&4: Dip L shoulder down R arm up 5&6: Dip R shoulder down L arm up, 7&8; Dip L shoulder down R arm up

*Section 3: Optional for Absolute beginners- K step ¼ turn*
1,2 Step R forward on Diagonal, Touch L next to R
3,4 Step L back on diagonal, Touch R next to L
5,6 ¼ turn Step R to R side, Touch L next to R
7,8 Step L to L side, Touch R next to L

Section 4: V step with Hip pushes, R & L hip bumps
1,2 Step R forward on diagonal as you push R hip forward, Step L forward on diagonal as you push L hip forward
3,4 Step Back R, Step L next to R
5,6 Bump Hips R x2
7,8 Bump Hips L x2

End of dance! Have fun and start Groovin’! Feel free to add any fun hand/ arm motions to the dance. Mash potato, washing machine, pulp fiction arms, ect. Just have fun with the dance!
Any questions email