Sunday Morning Sunshine

Brian Chadwick (CAN) - September 2020
Sunday Morning Sunshine - Harry Chapin : (iTunes, YouTube)

R lead, Intro: 8 counts

Sliding door, hold: right & left
1-4R side/rock, recover on L, R over L, hold
5-8L side/rock, recover on R, L over R, hold

"Night Club" step right & left
1-4R step to right, L draw toward R, L rock behind R, recover on R
5-8L step to left, R draw toward L, R rock behind L, recover on L

R rumba box back
1-4R to side, L step next to R, R step back, hold
5-8L to side, R step next to L, L step forward, hold

R spot turn 1/2 left, hold
L cucaracha, hold
1-4R forward & pivot 1/2 left onto L, R step forward, hold
5-8L to side, rec. on R, L next to R, hold (Tag/restart wall 2, facing 12:00)

4 count weave to the left, R cross rock/recover, R to side, hold
1-4R cross over L, L to side, R behind L, L to side
5-8R cross rock, recover on L, R to side, hold

4 count weave to the right, L cross rock/recover, L to side, hold
1-4L cross over R, R to side, L behind R, R to side
5-8L cross/rock, rec. on R, L to side, hold (restart only, wall 5, facing 6:00)

Basic: right & left
1-4R to side, L close, R to side, L touch
5-8L to side, R close, L to side, R touch

R mambo forward/hold, L mambo back/hold
1-4R rock forward, recover on L, R step next to L, hold
5-8L rock back, recover on R, L step next to R, hold

Tag & restart, wall 2, dance 1-32, facing 12:00
Restart only, wall 5, dance 1-48, facing 6:00
Tag: side touch: R & L
