Ace in the Hole

Claudia Bist (USA) - December 2020
Ace In the Hole - George Strait

Count In: 16 Counts from the start of the track, Dance begins on vocals.

Charleston Step (2)
1,2Step Forward R, Touch Forward L
3,4Step Back L, Touch Back R
5,6Step Forward R, Touch Forward L
7,8Step Back L, Touch Back R

Vaudeville Step, Right and Left
1,2&Step R to side, Step L behind R, Step R to Side
3&4L Heel forward, L Step beside R, Cross R in front of L
5, 6&Step Lt to side, Step R behind L, Step L to Side
7&8R Heel forward, R Step beside L, Cross L in front of R

Side Step, Behind Step, 1/4 Right Turn with a Shuffle, Half right pivot, shuffle forward
1,2Step R to Side, Step L Behind R
3&4¼ Right Turn with syncopated shuffle RLR (3:00)
5,6Step L forward and pivot ½ Right Turn and step forward on R (9:00)
7&8Syncopated shuffle forward LRL

Side Rock, Recover, Crossing Shuffle, Side Rock, Recover, 1/4 Left Sailor Turn.
1,2Rock Side on R, Recover Weight on L
3&4Cross R over L, Step on L, Cross R over L, Side Rock, Recover, 1/4 Left Turn Sailor Step
5,6Rock Side on L, Recover Weight on R
7&8Step L behind R, Step R Back making a Left ¼ turn, Step L beside R (6:00)

Submitted by - Craig Rancourt:

Last Update - 3 June 2023 - R3