Winnie Yu (CAN) - February 2021
Boys - Lizzo

Intro: 20 count

*This dance is dedicated to Carefirst 2021 Young At Heart (Online) Charity Gala*

Section 1: Side, Kick, Side, Behind, Side, Cross, Side, Toe Behind
1-2Step right to right, kick left across right
3-4Step left to left, cross step right behind left
5-6Step left to left, cross step right over left
7-8Step left to left, touch right toe behind left

Section 2: Diagonal Step Touch (K Step)
1-2Step right to right front diagonal, touch left beside right
3-4Step left to left back diagonal, touch right beside left
5-6Step right to right back diagonal, touch left beside right
7-8Sept left to left front diagonal, touch right beside left

Section 3: Monterey ¼ Right, Cross, Bounce heels ½ R
1-2Point right to right side, make a ¼ turn right stepping right beside left (3:00)
3-4Step left to left side, step right next to left
5-8Cross step left over right, make a ½ turn right as you bounce both heels 3 times (9:00)

Section 4: Back, Hitch, Forward, Touch
1-4Walk back R, L, R, hitch left knee (option:- look over left shoulder)
5-8Walk forward L, R, L, touch right beside left

Ending:- Wall 11 (6:00)- 5 count
1- 2Step right to right side, hold
3-5Step left to left side, touch right toe behind left, unwind ½ turn right (12:00)

Have fun & dance with smile !

Email: linedance_queen@hotmail.com
Website: www.dancepooh.ca / www.winnieyu.ca